portinstall security/osiris

昨日分のFreeBSD 5.3R(というかfreebsd-update後は FreeBSD 5.3-SECURITY だけど)に Osiris(OSIRIS - Host Integrity Monitoring)を入れることに。

んで、表題の通りに普通に叩くと、osirismd(management console)が入らないみたい。「/usr/local/sbin/osirismd がねぇ...何でだ...orz」とか悩んだり。
/usr/ports/security/osiris/Makefile に、

.if defined(WITH_OSIRISMD)

って書いてあったので、/etc/make.conf に


と記述したら無事に入った。やれやれ。ちなみに現在最新版の 4.0.6 が入ります。

しかし何だなぁ。google:freebsd with_osirismd でもたったの2件しかヒットしないんだなぁ。んー。
あんまり使われてないんだなぁ>Osiris  結構良いと思うんだけどなぁ。

まぁ、そんな訳で以下は長々とインストールメモ。プロンプトが $ なのは /usr/local/bin/bash だからです。

$ sudo vi /etc/make.conf


$ cd /usr/ports
$ sudo portinstall security/osiris

$ ls -l /usr/local/sbin/osiris*
­r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  895780 Dec  8 03:36 /usr/local/sbin/osiris
­r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  124608 Dec  8 03:36 /usr/local/sbin/osirisd
­r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  922540 Dec  8 03:36 /usr/local/sbin/osirismd

$ ls -l /usr/local/etc/rc.d/osiris*
­r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  330 Dec  8 03:36 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/osirisd.sh.sample
­r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  497 Dec  8 03:36 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/osirismd.sh.sample

$ cd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
$ sudo cp -p osirisd.sh.sample osirisd.sh
$ sudo cp -p osirismd.sh.sample osirismd.sh

$ sudo ./osirismd.sh start
$ sudo ./osirisd.sh start

$ ps aux | grep osiris
root    50348  0.0  0.4  3720 2928  p1  S     4:20AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/osirismd -r /usr/local/osiris
root    50349  0.0  0.4  3784 2964  p1  S     4:20AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/osirismd -r /usr/local/osiris
root    50352  0.0  0.2  2912 1592  p1  S     4:20AM   0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/osirisd -r /usr/local/osiris
osiris  50353  0.0  0.3  2940 2072  p1  S     4:20AM   0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/osirisd -r /usr/local/osiris
hoge 50355  0.0  0.1  1516  664  p1  RL+   4:20AM   0:00.00 grep osiris

$ osiris
warning: unable to locate an editor.
Osiris Shell Interface - version 4.0.6-release
unable to load root certificate for management host:
 >>> fetching root certificate from management host (localhost).

The authenticity of host 'localhost' can't be established.

  [ server certificate ]

 subject = /C=US/CN=Osiris Management Console/OU=Osiris Host Integrity System
 issuer  = /C=US/CN=Osiris Management Console/OU=Osiris Host Integrity System

            key size: 2048 bit
      MD5 fingerprint: 0D:BF:F3:3C:47:14:D6:8F:20:3F:75:1A:94:03:E9:33

Verify the fingerprint specified above.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
 >>> authenticating to (localhost)

User: admin

connected to management console, code version (4.0.6-release).

WARNING: your password is empty, use the 'passwd' command
to set your password.

osiris-4.0.6-release: passwd
User: admin
 >>> user: (admin) updated.
osiris-4.0.6-release: exit

$ osiris
warning: unable to locate an editor.
Osiris Shell Interface - version 4.0.6-release
 >>> authenticating to (localhost)

User: admin

connected to management console, code version (4.0.6-release).

osiris-4.0.6-release: ?

[ Management Commands ]
    mhost              host             new-user         edit-filters 
    edit-mhost         edit-host        edit-user        print-filters
    print-mhost-config list-hosts       list-users                    
    test-notify        new-host         delete-user                   

[ Host commands ]
    status              list-configs      start-scan    list-db        
    watch-host          new-config        stop-scan     base-db        
    disable-host        push-config       print-log              set-base-db    
    host-details        edit-config       list-logs     print-db       
    print-host-config   print-config                    print-db-errors
    rm-host             rm-config                       print-db-header
    init                drop-config                     rm-db          
    config              verify-config                                  

[ Misc commands ]
    help                version           quit              ssl

  For help with a specific command, try: help 

osiris-4.0.6-release: edit-mhost

[ edit management host (localhost) ]

  > syslog facility [DAEMON]: 
  > control port [2266]: 
  > http host name (uses system name by default) :       
  > http control port [2267]: 
  > notify email (default for hosts) : foo@bar.com
  > admin email (gets all mail): foo@bar.com
  > notification smtp host []: 
  > notification smtp port [25]: 

  > authorized hosts:

  Modify authorization list (y/n)? [n] 

[ management config (localhost) ]

syslog_facility = DAEMON
control_port = 2266
http_port = 2267
http_host = 
notify_email = foo@bar.com
admin_email = foo@bar.com
notify_smtp_host =
notify_smtp_port = 25
hosts_directory = 
allow =

Is this correct (y/n)? y
 >>> management host configuration has been saved.

osiris-4.0.6-release: new-host

[ new host ]

  > name this host :  hoge
  > hostname/IP address :
  > description : 
  > agent port [2265]: 
  > enable log files for this host? (yes/no) [no]: yes

Scan Databases:

    => keep archives of scan databases?  Enabling this option means that the
       database generated with each scan is saved, even if there are no changes
       detected.  Because of disk space, this option is not recommended
       unless your security policy requires it. (yes/no) [no]: 

    => auto-accept changes?  Enabling this option means that detected
       changes are reported only once, and the baseline database is
       automatically set when changes are detected. (yes/no) [yes]: no

    => purge database store?  Enabling this option means that none
       of the scan databases are saved.  That is, whenever the baseline 
       database is set, the previous one is deleted. (yes/no): [yes]:    


    => enable email notification for this host? (yes/no) [no]: yes
    => send notification on scheduled scans failures? (yes/no) [no]: yes
    => send scan notification, even when no changes detected  (yes/no) [no]: yes
    => send notification when agent has lost session key  (yes/no) [no]: yes
    => notification email (default uses mhost address) []: 


  > configure scan scheduling information? (yes/no) [no]: yes

    [ scheduling information for hoge ]

    Scheduling information consists of a start time and a frequency value.
    The frequency is a specified number of minutes between each scan, starting
    from the start time.  The default is the current time.  Specify the start
    time in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM

    enter the start date and time 
    using 'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM' format: [Wed Dec  8 04:34:29 2004] 
    enter scan frequency in minutes: [1440] 

  > activate this host? (yes/no) [yes]: 

host                  => hoge
hostname/IP address   =>
description           => 
agent port            => 2265
host type             => generic
log enabled           => yes
archive scans         => no
auto accept           => no
purge databases       => yes
notifications enabled => yes
notifications always  => yes
notify on rekey       => yes
notify on scan fail   => yes
notify email          => (management config)
scans starting on     => Wed Dec  8 04:34:29 2004
scan frequency        => daily (every 1440 minutes).
enabled               => yes

Is this correct (y/n)? y
 >>> new host (hoge) has been created.
Initialize this host? (yes/no): yes

Initializing a host will push over a configuration, start
a scan, and set the created database to be the
trusted database.

Are you sure you want to initialize this host (yes/no): yes

OS Name: FreeBSD
OS Version: 5.3-STABLE

use the default configuration for this OS? (yes/no): yes
 >>> configuration (default.freebsd) has been pushed.
 >>> scanning process was started on host: hoge
osiris-4.0.6-release: exit

$ sudo vi /usr/local/osiris/configs/default.freebsd

$ osiris
warning: unable to locate an editor.
Osiris Shell Interface - version 4.0.6-release
 >>> authenticating to (localhost)

User: admin

connected to management console, code version (4.0.6-release).

osiris-4.0.6-release: host hoge
hoge is alive.
osiris-4.0.6-release[hoge]: list-configs

[shared configs]

  [ name ]              [ id ]                           

  default.aix           9063034d                         
  default.bsdos         d39b2f4c                         
  default.darwin        043faff0                         
  default.freebsd       2d68ab1b                         
  default.irix          8d116316                         
  default.linux         9e115472                         
  default.openbsd       ade8f87c                         
  default.sunos         653acb07                         
  default.unix-generic  86e8b8aa                         
  default.windows2000   7176f20a                         
  default.windowsnt     7176f20a                         
  default.windowsserve  7176f20a                         
  default.windowsxp     4fde5170                         

total: 13

­no local configurations-
osiris-4.0.6-release[hoge]: print-config default.freebsd

 config name:  default.freebsd
          ID:  2d68ab1b
      status:  valid
      errors:  0
    warnings:  0
       lines:  46

­­­­­­­­ begin config file --------

Recursive   yes
FollowLinks no
Hash sha

Include mod_users
Include mod_groups
Include mod_kmods














­­­­­­­­  end config file  --------

osiris-4.0.6-release[hoge]: status

[ current status of host: hoge ]

     current time: Wed Dec  8 05:07:47 2004
         up since: Wed Dec  8 04:20:42 2004

 last config push: Wed Dec  8 04:37:43 2004
 configuration id: 5d97c904

     agent status: idle.
    config status: current config is valid.
   osiris version: 4.0.6-release
               OS: FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE

osiris-4.0.6-release[hoge]: host-details

[ host details for: (hoge) ]

  enabled          : yes
  hostname/IP      :
  configs          : 0
  databases        : 1
  host type        : generic
  log files        : yes
  archive scans    : no
  auto accept      : no
  purge databases  : yes
  notify enabled   : yes
  notify always    : yes
  notify on rekey  : yes
  notify scan fail : yes
  notify email     : (management config)
  scans start      : Wed Dec  8 04:34:29 2004
  scan period      : every 1440 minutes
  base DB          : 1
  agent port       : 2265
  description      : 

osiris-4.0.6-release[hoge]: exit

osiris-4.0.6-release: print-filters
  -no filters-
osiris-4.0.6-release: edit-filters

    s) show current filters.
    a) add a new filter.
    e) edit a filter.
    r) remove filter.
    q) quit

    > a

  > host (*=all hosts): [*] 
  > path (*=any path): [*] 

  1) Include Only (monitor changes only to certain attributes)
  2) Exclude (ignore changes to certain attributes)

  > filter type: 2

        csum - checksum
      device - device number
       inode - inode number
        perm - permissions (mode)
       links - number of hard links
         uid - user ID
         gid - group ID
       mtime - last modification time
       atime - last access time
       ctime - last change time
       dtype - device type
       bytes - number of bytes
      blocks - number of blocks
       bsize - block size
        osid - owner SID
        gsid - group SID
    fileattr - windows file attributes
         new - not in trusted database
     missing - not present in latest scan

  > attributes (comma separated): device

  does this look correct:
    ==> host=*;path=*;exclude: device ;  (y/n)? y

 >>> filter added.

    s) show current filters.
    a) add a new filter.
    e) edit a filter.
    r) remove filter.
    q) quit

    > s

host=*;path=*;exclude: device ;

1 comparison filters.

    s) show current filters.
    a) add a new filter.
    e) edit a filter.
    r) remove filter.
    q) quit

    > q
 >>> comparison filters have been saved.

osiris-4.0.6-release: start-scan hoge
 >>> scanning process was started on host: hoge

osiris-4.0.6-release: test-notify
 >>> connecting...
 >>> notification test message(s) sent.

osiris-4.0.6-release: exit
